

Provides an API for coordinated database writing


mvn version  1.11.1

alias dependencies

mvn version  1.7.1
local library  ../libcdb
mvn version  1.7.0
mvn version  0.3.2
mvn version  0.5.0
mvn version  0.18.0
mvn version  0.9.0
mvn version  0.8.0
mvn version  0.9.0
mvn version  0.2.1
mvn version  1.7.1
mvn version  2.6.0

(this space intentionally left almost blank)


In some cases Metis (A) and DevProxy (B) both write data direct to the same calibration document. With this setup there is a chance that conflicts occur due to uncoordinated writing. A and B try to store the document with rev 1. If A writes first a rev 2 is generated. The attempt of B to write rev 1 fails. Same if B writes first.

    ┌─────┐        ┌─────┐
    │     │        │     │
    │  A  │        │  B  │
    │     │        │     │
    └─┬──▲┘        └▲──┬─┘
      │  │          │  │
rev 1 │  ✓ ┌──────┐ ✓  │ rev 1
      │  └─┤      ├─┘  │
      ✓    │  DB  │    x
      └────►      ◄────┘

The workaround so far was sequencing related steps.

vl-db-agent provides an endpoint for coordinated writing of vaclab style measurement results (`data) to calibration documents. This is realized by means of a clojure agent.

      ┌─────┐        ┌─────┐
      │     │        │     │
      │  A  │        │  B  │
      │     │        │     │
      └┬────┘        └────┬┘
       │                  │
 data  │ ┌──────────────┐ │  data
       │ │              │ │
       └─►   db-agent   ◄─┘
         │              │
         │ rev 1  rev 2 │
           |  |   |  |
           ✓  ✓   ✓  ✓
           |  |   |  |
         │              │
         │      DB      │
         │              │
(ns vl-db-agent.core
  ^{:author "Thomas Bock <thomas.bock@ptb.de>"}
  (:require  [compojure.core :refer [POST]]
             [compojure.handler :as handler]
             [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as µ]
             [integrant.core :as ig]
             [libcdb.core :as db]
             [libcdb.configure :as cf]
             [org.httpkit.server :refer [run-server]]            
             [ring.util.response :as res]
             [ring.middleware.json :as middleware]
             [vl-data-insert.core :as i])


vl-db-agent uses integrant. This enables a controlled way to start and stop the system. integrant style configuration map.

(def config
  {:log/mulog {:type :multi
               :log-context {:app-name "vl-db-agent"
                             :facility (or (System/getenv "DEVPROXY_FACILITY")
                                           (System/getenv "DEVHUB_FACILITY")
                                           (System/getenv "METIS_FACILITY"))}
               :publishers[{:type :elasticsearch
                            :url  "http://a75438:9200/"
                            :els-version  :v7.x
                            :publish-delay 1000
                            :data-stream  "vl-log-stream"
                            :name-mangling false}]}
   :db/couch {:prot "http",
              :host "localhost",
              :port 5984,
              :usr (System/getenv "CAL_USR")
              :pwd (System/getenv "CAL_PWD")
              :name "vl_db_work"}
   :system/agent {:ini {}}
   :endpoint/results {:db (ig/ref :db/couch)
                      :agnt (ig/ref :system/agent)}
   :server/http-kit {:port 9992
                     :join? false
                     :json-opt {:keywords? true}
                     :handler (ig/ref :endpoint/results)}})

Database io functions

The three functions used here are simply passed through from library libcdb

(defn db-config [opts] (cf/config opts))
(defn get-doc [id db] (db/get-doc id db))
(defn put-doc [doc db] (db/put-doc doc db))


The handler receives the document and the data stores the results by means of vl-data-insert and calls put-fn.

(defn store-data [get-fn {:keys [DocPath Result] :as data} put-fn]
  (µ/trace ::store-data [:function "core/store-data"]
           (let [doc (get-fn)]
               (fn [d [r p]] (i/store-results d [r] p))
               doc (zipmap Result (if (string? DocPath) (repeat DocPath) DocPath)))))))


Some simple checks about the shape of the data

(defn results-ok? [v] (and (vector? v) (empty? (filter empty? v))))

vl-db-agent provides the opportunity to store Result to different locations in one request. This is done by means of a using a vector for DocPath instead of a string. If DocPath is a vector it must have the same length as Result.

(defn docpath-ok? [p r]
  (if (string? p)
    (not (empty? p))
    (and (vector? p)
         (vector? r)
         (= (count p) (count r))
         (empty? (filterv empty? p)))))
(defn data-ok? [{:keys [DocPath Result]}]
    (and (docpath-ok? DocPath Result)
         (results-ok? Result)))

Route and agent

vl-db-agent provides one POST route: /<database document id> (the README contains curl examples).

(defn proc [db a]
   (POST "/:id" [id :as req]
         (let [data   (-> req :body)
               get-fn (fn [] (get-doc id db))
               put-fn (fn [doc] (put-doc doc db))]
           (if (data-ok? data)
               (µ/log ::proc :doc-id id :message "doc and data ok")
               (send a (fn [m] (assoc m
                                     id {:res (store-data get-fn data put-fn)
                                         :data data})))
               (-> {:ok true}
                   (res/status 202)
               (let [msg "missing database doc or maleformed request data"]
                 (µ/log ::proc :error msg)
                 (-> {:error msg}
                     (res/status 412)

The first if clause (the happy path) contains the central idea: the request is send to an agent a. This queues up the write requests and avoids write conflicts. The important thing is: reading and writing of the database document must be placed inside the agents send function.


The entire system is stored in an atom that is build up by the following init-key multimethods and shut down by halt-key! multimethods.

System up multimethods

(defonce system (atom nil))

The init-keys methods read a configuration and **return an implementation**.

(defmethod ig/init-key :endpoint/results [_ {:keys [db agnt]}]
  (proc db agnt))
(defmethod ig/init-key :log/mulog [_ opts]  
  (µ/set-global-context! (:log-context opts))
  (µ/start-publisher! opts))
(defmethod ig/init-key :db/couch [_ opts]
  (db-config opts))

Initialization of the agent. The error handler function logs the error and the state of the agent before the error occured so that the agent can be restarted by means of restart-agent

(defmethod ig/init-key :system/agent [_ {:keys [ini]}]
  (agent ini :error-handler (fn [a e] (µ/log ::agent-error-handler
                                            :error e
                                            :agent @a))))
(defmethod ig/init-key :server/http-kit [_ {:keys [handler json-opt] :as opts}]
  (run-server (-> handler
                  (middleware/wrap-json-body json-opt)
              (-> opts
                  (dissoc :handler))))

System down multimethods

The halt-keys! methods read in the implementation and shut down this implementation in a contolled way. This is a pure side effect.

(defmethod ig/halt-key! :server/http-kit [_ server]
(defmethod ig/halt-key! :log/mulog [_ logger]
(defmethod ig/halt-key! :system/agent [_ a]
  (send a (fn [_] {})))

Start, stop and restart The following functions are intended

for REPL usage.

(defn start []
  (keys (reset! system (ig/init config))))
(defn stop []
  (µ/log ::start :message "halt system")
  (ig/halt! @system)
  (reset! system {}))
(defn restart []
  (Thread/sleep 1000)


The -main function is called when java -jar vl-db-agent.jar is executed. No arguments are implemented so far.

(defn -main [& args] (start))


  (:system/agent @system)
  (agent-error (:system/agent @system))
  (map (comp :ok :res) (vals @(:system/agent @system))))